Video Submission.


If you wish to publish your reels, please contact us according to the rules below.


Self-tape must be a vide of the person who wishes to be published.


The work must be compiled from the person's performance and presented in a cohesive manner.

③クリエーターの方は、掲載を希望する本人の役割を明確に記載/説明する日英資料(docx. pdf)を添付すること

Creators should attach a Japanese/English document (docx. pdf) clearly describing/explaining the role of the person who wishes to be published.


・名前(芸名可)、連絡先(Casting への窓口)

Please make sure to send the following information with your video.

・Name, and contact details (for Casting).



We will check the video material you send us and may not publish the video if it is deemed to be difficult for the viewer to watch.

・現在、Headshots へのプロフィール写真及びbio の新規掲載は受け付けておりません。

We are currently not accepting new profile photos or bio's for Headshots.


If you would like your profile to be included in the description of the video, please send it to us in English.

・Casting からの連絡は原則掲載者本人へ直接となり、JCは仲介は致しません。ただし、Casting が仲介を希望した場合は、オファー内容の紹介と連絡先の交換まではJCがサポートいたします。

JC does not act as an intermediary between actors and castings.